The TCMCR and de-identified data

The Share Patient Data Election is an important and defining component of the TCMCR project. This data will enable us to find out what is really working in real world clinical settings just like yours. As a side note, I have personally found that approximately 90% of...

Diagnostic Reliability

Following on from my post last week on the burning need to investigate the effectiveness of constitutional approaches of TCM, we come to a critical part of this kind of investigation, the reliability of diagnoses. Most people are under the impression that diagnostic...

The TCMCR is a Social Enterprise

The TCMCR has opted for the social enterprise model, as this provides the structure to be purpose driven, not just to be profit focused. As part of the requirements of being a social enterprise, we are proudly donating half of our profits to the Acupuncture Evidence...

We are now live in Australia, the EU and the USA

We are excited to announce the Australian, US and European launch of version 1.9 of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Registry (the TCMCR) today, with many new features since our version 1.0 launch back in February this year! Revolutionise patient care with...

A Quick update

Hi Everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, so here is a quick update on the TCMCR project (more to follow)… After launching version 1.0 in Australia on March 1st, we have had a great response there. We have been working very hard, and are now planning to launch...