Connecting the TCM community to create better patient outcomes

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the TCMCR?

As the TCMCR is now available for commercial use in the US and the EU as well as in Australia. if you sign up to look at the program, your trial will start from when we launch in your country.

We have achieved HIPAA and GDPR compliance and are therefore able to offer the TCMCR in the US and EU countries in Europe.


Can I trial the TCMCR for free?

The TCMCR comes with a 14 day free trial.

Register now and take advantage of the launch special of 30% off for the first six months but using the code LAUNCHSPECIAL

Can I Donate to the TCMCR cause?

Yes, but not with a tax deduction just yet: we are a social enterprise for now.

We are aiming to eventually attain charitable status. We will also be using crowdfunding and will make announcements when these options are open.

How much does it cost to use the TCMCR?

Our worldwide monthly subcription cost is only $16.50 US per month ($15 US plus GST inclusive in Australia).

We are a social enterprise, so we aim to make this service as reasonable as possible (compare to Cliniko who charge $45 AUD per month for a single user).

As a Social Enterprise, we are donating 50% of our profits to the charity Evidence Based Acupuncture, a worthy TCM cause.

The TCMCR will be continually developed to support TCM research and we aim to contribute to peer reviewed journals and present at conferences.

We generally will not be charging for data access if you are seeking our support for your research and we are looking forward to collaborating with researchers and tertiary institutions.

How can I be involved?

This is a TCM community project and we need your support in a number of ways.

Primarily we need as many TCM practitioners as possible to use the registry to maintain their clinic records.

We encourage practitioners and their patients to both opt-in to share their de-identified treatment data. When they do so, they will be contributing to a data pool that allows us to all work out and share what is really working in real world clinical settings around the world.

We will also need members of our community who have technical and leadership skills who want to be involved at every level and from all over the world in this exciting project.

If you think you have the skills we need and want to be involved, please send an EOI to the following address [email protected] and we will be happy to talk to you more.

For TCM practitioners Only

The TCMCR is designed to be used by qualified TCM practitioners or researchers only

We will soon be requesting registered users provide appropriate evidence that they are appropriately qualified when registering their account (membership of an approved TCM association for instance). This is primarily to ensure that quality de-identified data is accumulated. 

We will not be supporting dry needlers or unqualifed practitioners.

This project is designed to be a research tool and to benefit fully trained TCM practitioners and their patients.